When the movers came to estimate the cost of moving all our fabric, we bribed them with crumb cake. We promised them we'd be ready for an early start and we would have breakfast for them. Ingrid noted that my crumb cake was "really good!" with a special emphasis that made the boss's eyes light up. So when moving day arrived, crumb cake was provided, as promised, and the comment of one of the mover's to my husband was, "Forget the fabric, tell her to just sell crumbcake!"
Somehow my crumbcake has developed a reputation, and so I thought I would share the recipe with you, as it is so easy, it's embarassing!
You will need a very large baking pan (17" x 12"). If that is not available, you could probably use a 13" x 9" plus a 9" x 9" or maybe 3 round cake pans. (it stores very well and can be made ahead and even frozen).
Spray with non-stick spray.
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees (maybe 375 if your oven runs cool like mine)
1 box Duncan Hines Butter Recipe Golden Cake Mix
3 eggs
2/3 cup water
1 stick butter
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract (or 1 tsp. almond extract for a different flavor)
For Topping:
3 sticks cold butter cut into pats (which is 3/4 pound total)
3 cups of flour (I use Heckers Unbleached Flour)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3 Tablespoons cinnamon
I make this entire crumb cake in my Cuisinart food processor with the metal blade. You can also make it with a mixer, but the Cuisinart (or any food processor) makes such quick and easy work of the whole thing, that I recommend it, if possible.
First, prepare the cake batter according to the package directions. The only difference is you are adding 2 teaspoons of vanilla.
If you don't have any cake mix handy, substitute your favorite recipe for yellow cake.
I put the cake mix into the food processor, then the 1 stick (1/4 pound) of butter, cut into pats. I pulse the processor, until the mix has a resemblence of course damp sand. Then I mix the eggs, water and vanilla in my measuring cup, pour into the mixture in the processor and process just until smooth.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
Place the pan in the middle shelf of your pre-heated oven and set the timer for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, rinse out your processor and prepare the crumbs.
Place the flour, cinnamon, and granulated sugar into the processor, along with the 3 sticks (3/4 pound) butter, cut into pats.
Pulse until the mixture starts to hug the sides of the bowl. You don't want to cream this or blend it into a batter - remember it will be crumbs - so you want a dense mixture that is holding together, which you can crumble or cut into crumbs for the cake.
I usually take a knife or fork and sort of "chop up" the crumb mixture in the bowl of the processer, and then when my cake timer goes off, I am ready with the crumbs.
When the oven timer goes off, sprinkle the crumb mixture onto your cake. Cover the entire cake with crumbs right up to the edges of the pan. Return it to the oven for another 15 minutes, setting your timer once again.
When the timer goes off, your cake should be done. Allow it to cool a bit and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve. If served warm it will melt in your mouth. (of course it does with all that butter - but don't tell anyone - let them enjoy it).
We don't make this every day. It's for special occasions. But it is delicious! Enjoy!